Busy day.

14°C, bright sun, much cooler 0 cloud.

To finish a busy day decorating, I got the road before it got dark. This was the most satisfying day of lockdown. Morning, I wallpapered another wall and prepared the remaining walls. In the afternoon, I rebuilt a wall in the bedroom. My neighbour donated mortar so I could get the job done. In lockdown, most DIY materials are difficult to get.

I slept soundly.

Racelite in that northerly.

8°C, chilly brisk northerly. Dry.


Not so many seen on he road today, bikes still outnumbered cars though. I haven’t ridden for a few days but felt refreshed after 2 days of DIY. The brisk northerly was cool and steady but the route turned it into a side-wind mostly.

I don’t know why here is no map on the picture from MapMyRide today.

66km Summer bike.

16°C, bright sun, light N, dry.

Life returns.

Today, I used the morning to service 2 bikes. The Racelite summer bike needed a deep clean and inspection. Chainwear is an advisory and the cables still need re-routing. All mechanicals were sweet on the ride though. Just like old times when I’d clock up 7k miles a year, I got faster the further I went. In the first 10 miles went at 14mph but the last 10 at 17.5 mph.

The government have allowed us one outing a day to exercise so I made this one count. The roads are so empty, it’s like Sunday mornings in the late 80s when I took up proper cycling. Back then, I read a cycling book while laid up recovering from a bout of ‘flu. Is there that irony, maybe?

We’re living through strange times: a looming threat of disease hangs over us, but the sky is pure blue; I can taste the dread sometimes, I may loose somebody I know to Corona Virus CVID-19. I’m out of work; schools are closed and all DofE is cancelled but there is much that needs doing to my house. I have materials and tools but didn’t have time, until now.