No.2, volumetric cloud.

6°C, light W, cold but clear and dry (mostly).

Volumetric cloud.

Set out in a morning of sun with a grey cloud looming. The forecast promised 0% chance of rain but there it was. A small cloud but slow moving. I turned back home to get a better raincoat. The rain was slow enough to stay in for lunch and then go back out. The rest of the day was very good. Also, I used the green machines.

The roads are cleared.

Kona Paddy Wagon; 15°C, sunny with light Northerly.

I didn’t put it there.

The Queen’s funeral is today and we get a bank holiday. This has cleared the roads and, pretty much, the only people you see are dog walkers and cyclists. Rather like a cup final, this makes for an excellent cycling day. It means I don’t have to avoid those routes that carry tricky traffic . I also means no cafes are open nor any shops. I got lucky though, about half way there was a petrol station where I got snacks.