Worst month of the year

Grey, wet and rain, 4°C & light N.

November is usually thoroughly miserable, it’s the wettest month here and rapidly darkens towards our shortest day.

Rode the Mustang in rain.

I’ve been regularly swimming this last month. Usually for about 45′ after work at the Uni.

First 25.

strong wind SSW, showers but mild: 12°C.

I rode fixed with MapMyRide+! Distance: 24.8mi, time: 01:43:50, pace: 4:11min/mi, speed: 14.32mi/h.
Strong winds make careful route planning more important. On a single-speed bike the best approach is to include long cross-wind sections. On New year’s Day traffic is light, on a wet day, there are few boy-racers so this was a good outing.
Birkdale Cemetery, a magnet for Dr Who fans. I had to take these pictures without blinking, honestly!


16C, rain most of the day. NW3,
Rain all day again. Summer rain isn’t so bad, though nice days are forecast for next week when we’re back in work.
Gardening- moved a bay tree and planted magnolia in its place. A satisfying, mucky job.

Posted from a mobile.


12C, rain.
Rain did not stop for a minute during daylight hours. I shopped and finished the shelves. Traffic was light, did most stay in their houses?

Posted from a mobile.

First 100

8°C, mild wet and windy.
Soaked riding in yesterday. A short sharp one hit half-way to work. The sky was clear when I set off, and again when I got there. But the shower was so heavy that cold trickles ran down my neck inside my shirt and down my arms. For a few minutes, I was forced to stop because I could not see. That was the hail part.
Still, the week’s total stands at one hundred miles. A good start.

Dodge showers.

7°C, rain coming.
Venture out: under the threatening skies. A short ride can be just the thing to clear out the tail end of a snotty virus. Decision is: do I change gear to the 17t?
later: well, I went and the rain was as predicted- steadily increasing from drizzle to light rain. Cycle tracks were under an inch of water for some stretches. Water sprayed up from the front wheel onto my left foot. Why does it do that, why not both feet the same?
I got back feeling okay but with a rather cold left ankle.
24 decent miles done.

I can tell that I’m out of shape, the recovery took longer that and 24 mile ride deserved. Perhaps post-viral effects at play. In summer months, 24 miles would seem barely worth the bother of getting kitted up. The best of times, a 60 mile ride leaves no recovery after-effects either.

Red clay roads

CR:52 Miles. Rain later.
This ride wasn’t too cold but it did rain on the return leg. I could have avoided it but for the roads. The mud was as bad as it can be, the back wheel skitted about alarming me enough to get off and walk. I had to walk a few times on this ride, even that was less than easy in cycling shoes. The shoe-plate is not intended for walking and are treacherous on slippery surfaces. The delay added up enough to allow the rain clouds to build. Now it has started, the rainfall should do a decent job and wash that mud away.
The Racelite bike is definitely the wrong mount for these conditions, the mud built up under the brakes such that I had to stop twice to clear it. Tyre levers are good for flicking mud out to free the wheels.
Now shut up, I need to go out and hose the bike down.

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Blame the rain

12°C, light wind, sun
Instead of crane flies this year, it seems as though the mozzies are more abundant. I say this now because one bit the back of my neck this afternoon. A strange occurance, we don’t get many in England. Not this part of England anyway.
I would blame my new pond as the source but other people have noticed more midges/mosquitoes too. So the blame shall rest on our exceptionally wet weather this year. Where conditions are against one species, another thrives.